Business Travel | Why a Managed Travel Program?

Why a Managed Program

Read the Travel Leaders Overview PDF

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Any company or organization spending over $300,000.00 annually in travel should have policies and procedures in place to control and manage travel costs.

Travel with most companies is the 2nd or 3rd largest CONTROLLABLE business expense.

A managed travel program balances the needs of the individual traveler with the goals of the company. It governs how employees purchase travel so that they enjoy a level of comfort and convenience while the company controls costs and meets their duty of care obligations.

In today’s business environment there are so many moving parts, why not have the best program for your travelers that will also contribute to a better workflow for accounting as well as the human resource department.

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Things to consider when exploring a managed travel program.

  1.  How travelers are booking reservations
    1. Online
    2. Calling an agent
  2.  How are travelers processing their expense reports?
    1. Automated
    2. Excel spreadsheet
  3.  Does your company have vendor agreements in place?
    1. Air contracts
    2. Car contracts
    3. Hotel contracts
  4.  How do travelers handle emergency situations while on the road?
    1. On their own
    2. 24/7 global travel team to assist.
  5.  Reporting
    1. Are you manually producing reports for department directors?
    2. Do you have reports to show where your travel dollars are being spent?
    3. Would you like to reduce your overall travel costs 20%?

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